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Fragments from Heaven

Adnane Baraka | 2022 | 84′

Searching for stones in the vastness of the Moroccan desert may seem absurd. Unless these stones are celestial and have the power to change the lives of those who find them. That’s the story of Mohamed (a nomad), Abderrahmane (a scientist), and other bedouins. They all search for the same stone, but each one has his own reasons.

Fragments from Heaven is an enigmatic quest into the desert shot, edited, and sound-designed by Moroccan filmmaker Adnana Baraka. He has been working on the film since 2014, shooting it in several periods between 2017 and the end of 2019. It is a long path of creation and reflection, which now begins to reveal hope.

DIRECTOR: Adnane Baraka
COUNTRY: Morocco
LANGUAGE: Amazigh, Arabic, French


London – Cine Lumiere

Saturday 1 July18:30

Cardiff – Chapter Arts

Saturday 1 July20:30

Dates & Tickets coming soon 

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